Latarjet Procedure

Shoulder dislocations caused by fracture of the glenoid or a bone loss are treated by the surgical procedure called Latarjet procedure. This is also called the Latarjet-Bristow procedure.

Mechanism of Action:

Mechanism of action is described as triple blocking effect

  • Restoring and increasing the glenoid bone
  • Conjoint tendon which acts as sling on subscapularis and capsule with abducted arm and rotated externally
  • Repairing the capsule to stump of coracoacromial ligament.

The Procedure:

Procedure is the removal of coracoid and the attached muscle and transfers it to the front of the glenoid. This placement of the coracoid combined with transferred muscles which act as strut prevents further dislocation of the joint. You can say it is removing a part of a bone from another part of the shoulder and attaching it to the shoulder socket. This bone acts as a barrier which physically blocks the shoulder from slipping out of the socket and the muscles which are transferred give additional stability to the joint.
Nowadays, there has been a modification to the Latarjet procedure. Another technique called the congruent arc technique is used through which joint surface contact area is increased along with joint stability enhancement. The advantages in this procedure are it improves the bony and soft tissue problems. It gives a strong fixation with early active rehabilitation.

After the operation:

You are not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight, the day before the surgery. When you wake up after completion of the procedure, you will wear a sling which is to be retained for three-six weeks. You will be the hospital overnight after the surgery whence a physiotherapist will take care of you and teach you appropriate exercises. You can continue your daily activities as advised to you by your surgeon.