Knee Bursitis

Bursa is the jelly like sac present in all body parts in between bone joints and joints of soft tissues. These sacs contain a fluid inside and provides a padding action to minimize friction between the joints. We have two knees joints and both the knees have 11 bursae and inflammation is possible in every bursa. Such inflammation is termed as knee bursitis.
But four of the bursae are more prone for inflammation:

Prepatellar Bursitis:

The prepatellar bursa is present in the area above the knee cap in the portion separating the knee cap and the skin. Inflammation to this bursa is mostly common for people whose work involves kneeling position for extended period of times. This type is common with house maids, those doing gardening work, roofing job and plumbing jobs. This kind of inflammation is called prepatellar bursitis.

Infrapatellar Bursitis:

Patella tendon is situated below the knee cap. There is a bursa present in-between the patella tendon and the skin. There is also another bursa that is situated between the patella tendon and the shim also called as tibia bone. Inflammation to these bursae is called as infrapatellar bursitis and it normally is observed in people who give much stress to this region like those who jump. Hence this condition is also called as Jumpers Knee.

Pesanserinus Bursitis:

If the inflammation affects the bursa located in the lower and inside portion of the knee pesanserinus bursitis. Middle aged females are mostly affected by this kind of bursitis.

Suprapatellar Bursitis:

Suprapatellar bursa is situated above the knee cap. Its exact location is below patella and quadriceps muscles. Traumas, frequent injuries, crawling might result in this type of bursitis.


  • Swelling in knee caps
  • Restricted mobility of the knee joint
  • Skin covering the bursa becoming red in colour.
  • Excessive pain while moving the knee.


  • Physiotherapy is the best treatment advised by the experts.
  • Surgical treatment is very rare and is normally not recommended.